Herbs that Naturally Treat and Prevent Colon Cancer

You don’t have to spend lots of money and support on Pharmaceutics most corrupted business in the world. Believe in your inner power and the power of nature. Colon cancer can be prevented with frequent bowel movement.  I like and love these healthy tips because we have this in or product which can help us prevent those can cause colon cancer etc.

Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, are best known for their ability to prevent cancer, because they serve as rich sources of phyto chemicals such as sulforaphane.

Fiber found in vegetables, fruits, and whole grain cereals and legumes may reduce colon cancer risk. In case you want to prevent prostate cancer, then try to include beans in your diet. The vegetable is rich in isoflavones, a type of phytochemical that is said to help prevent cancer.  Health experts estimate that about 70 percent of colorectal cancers could be prevented by changes in diet and nutrition.

Onion – Chemicals in turmeric and onions reduce both the size and number of precancerous lesions in the human intestinal tract. Johns Hopkins researchers say a pill containing chemicals found in turmeric, a spice used in curries, and quercetin, an antioxidant found in onions could be helpful for colon cancer.


Garlic – Do not refrain from the pungent smell of garlic, because the vegetable has therapeutic benefits. It is good for preventing cancer as well as maintaining cardiovascular health. Garlic also lowers blood cholesterol level and boosts the general immunity of the body.


Ginger – Ginger, a natural herb has been analyzed and used to battle cancer of the digestive tract that is colon cancer. The main component in ginger, gingerol, has been shown to considerably reduce cancer cells in rats. In addition to its tumor-reduction potential, ginger is also used to quell feeling sick for nausea treatment sufferers. It’s a natural herb with many wonderful features.


Rosemary– Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in Australia. Nutrition, particularly intake of vegetables and certain plant components, has been reported to have a major role in cancer risk reduction. Recently, there has been a growing research interest in rosemary, a common household plant grown in many parts of the world. Studies demonstrate the anticancer potential of rosemary extract, carnosol, carnosic acid, ursolic acid, and rosmarinic acid.


Parsley, Basil, Oregano – Now parsley, oregano, and basil are herbs that all contain phytochemicals in them such as quercitin which helps prevent the growth of cancer cells. They even seem to prevent and slow down tumor and polyp growths which is a plus when you are trying to prevent and slow down colon cancer. These herbs also cleanse and purify the body and strengthen the immune system.



Nettle herb – Nettle is used to prevent colon cancer because it helps relieve stress from the body which helps keep our immune systems strong. We all know that a stressed out body has a high chance of developing colon cancer or any type of cancer for that matter. Nettle also contains high amounts of vitamins and minerals that help nourish our bodies and keep them healthy and strong which also helps prevent colon cancer.


Turmeric – A member of ginger family, turmeric is a very aromatic and tasty herb. Turmeric helps prevent the harmful effects of inflammation-related enzyme cyclo oxygenase, thereby reducing the chances of bowel and colon cancer.


Green Tea – Natural tea/Green Tea, tea leaves that have been steamed and dry without aging, has been shown to slow the department of lung and melanoma of the colon cells. While study results have been mainly positive, the National Cancer Institution is studying teas to further determine the effects of teas on melanoma. Natural tea also offers anti-oxidants, which are excellent at assisting the defense mechanisms and improving overall health.



Red clover – research from a number of centers including the number of the Royal Marsden has shown its potential as a part of a treatment programme against oestrogen driven cancers form breast to prostate. Red clover is used to treat colon cancer because it contains genistein which is a substance that helps cleanse the blood and removes harmful cancer causing substances from the body. It also helps the body because it contains natural antibiotics in it that help fight of harmful bacteria that can weaken the immune system and colon. Rosemary works the same way, but this herb contains carnasol which helps detox cancer substances from the body and blood stream.



Chickweed -Chickweed is an awesome herb for treating and preventing colon cancer because it relieves inflammation in the colon and rids the body of fats that cause colon cancer. Chickweed may also help prevent and slow down the growth of colon polyps and help shrink hemorrhoid growth as well. It is also used to help give the immune system a natural boost so it can heal its fast and effectively in a natural way.


Flaxseeds – Flaxseed is red brown or fantastic yellow seeds of the flax plant. It has been used as a resource of complete protein, containing all essential amino acids, for centuries. Flaxseed is excellent resource of vitamins, nutrients, fiber, nutrients lignin and the omega-3 essential fatty acidity alpha-linolenic acidity, which all give rise to great health. Recent interest has developed regarding the ability of flaxseed to fight against a range of malignancies in people, including melanoma of the colon. Scientists recommend that the anti-cancer qualities of flaxseed may control from its high lignin content, according to South Dakota State University website.



To buy all these herbs online, Log on to www.indianity.com .